Monday, July 16, 2007


I was reading a couple of Fatty novels a few days ago.... (If you don't know who Fatty is... then you didn't read the Enid B. books when you were little --- I deem your childhood wasted!! :D ). Anyways, Fatty, Bets, Pip and Larry were the same age, when I opened the book about a decade after I last visited them. Isn't that amazing ? They're practically immortal!! They themselves aren't aware of it because in their world time is still changing... but from an outsider view, they'll always be kids!!
Quite a philosopher I am :) .... more later

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Donor scare!!!

Last week I had signed up as a donor for one of the many banks in the area. I was absolutely proud of myself, ready to help the moment I get called!! After all what's a few days pain when someone's life is on the line, right????

I got a call from the bank today and my heart skipped a beat. I was filled with absolute terror (and was already thinking of ways to bail out) as the guy said "Sir, you didn't fill the form out completely - you missed the state!!". Flooded with absolute relief, I furnished the remaining details.

When push comes to shove, I always thought I'd be the guy who'd step up to the plate. But now I wonder.....